Sicilian organic products
For Italian cuisine lovers.
For those who think food as a moment of meeting, pleasure and sharing.
Convivia brings all these values to your table with its high quality, genuine and full of tradition products. Convivia was born from the passion for clean and good food. All the preserves are certified such as Organic, Gluten-free and Vegan products.

Born and raised in Italy
All our products are prepared using organic raw materials of Sicilian origin. Our production philosophy is based on environmental sustainability and respect for the territory, to offer you a healthy product that is good for the environment.

Sicilian organic preserves
We produce only during the seasonality of the raw material, which is therefore harvested in the period of full maturation, when it is full of tastes and flavours. The processing of the raw material and the packaging take place in a short time, so as to preserve all the organoleptic qualities of the fresh vegetables. We only use extra virgin olive oil. Our products do not contain chemical preservatives.

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News organic fairs
Ci impegniamo attivamente nella promozione e nella partecipazione a fiere biologiche, offrendo prodotti di alta qualità che rispettano l’ambiente e promuovono uno stile di vita sano. Scoprite con noi l’eccellenza del biologico, dove la nostra passione per la sostenibilità si traduce in prodotti che rispecchiano il nostro impegno per un futuro più verde e consapevole.