(Turin, 8 October 2020 for six months) – Terra Madre begins on 8 October and does not stop for six months, with a mix of digital and physical events – in Turin, Piedmont, and around the world!
Terra Madre is a worldwide network, created by Slow Food in 2004, which brings together the “food communities” committed, each in its geographical and cultural context, to safeguarding the quality of local agro-food production.
The communities share the problems generated by the practice of intensive agriculture which is detrimental to natural resources and by a mass food industry tending to the standardization of tastes and capable of undermining the very existence of small-scale production.
Nearly 9,000 people gathered in Turin in 2006 during the second Terra Madre convention: 4,803 farmers, breeders, fishermen and artisanal agri-food operators from 1,583 food communities in 150 countries; 953 cooks; 411 professors and representatives of 225 universities, 2,320 observers and chaperones and 776 volunteers.
The next edition was held in Turin from 23 to 27 October 2008, always in conjunction with the Salone del Gusto.
The Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2020 edition adapts to current needs and becomes digital!
There are many events spread over several months and a multiplicity of formulas. Thanks to the new digital platform, people will be able to explore new content and get in touch with all the Slow Food communities in 160 countries around the world.
Terra Madre’s public potential is extremely broad and diversified by interests and specificities: from informed consumers to producers, from gastronomic enthusiasts to environmental activists, from schools to families, from companies in the sector and from the extrasector, from journalists to experts .
Browsing through the scheduled events, you can travel to discover different cultures and culinary traditions.
CONVIVIA is sincerely honored to participate in Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto 2020, that is the Italian food fair of the true excellence of natural, clean, good and respectful of nature food. Click here to discover the stand of our products!